What In Earth is That?
Not sure what the name of that plant is or how to look after it? Is a plant not doing well and not sure what to do? We can help....
Simply click on the 'What in Earth' sign, upload a photo of the plant and a close up of the leaf and we can let you know what the plant or pest/disease is and how to look after it.
Photo Gallery
Frequently Asked Questions
- What geographical area does Pod Design cover?Because we are web based and we don't generally need to come and visit your property, we cover all of New Zealand. However, if you are interested in our 'In Person' services, we cover the Auckland and Waikato regions.
- Do I have to be a computer whiz to use the 'online' service or the 'What in Earth' service?Not at all, we have made the landscape consultation process as simple as possible. You just have to answer a few simple questions and upload some photos of the area of your garden, so you do need to have a digital camera. Any problems just contact us and we will be happy to help.
- There is a plant in my garden and I am unsure what it is, can you help me?Yes our 'What in Earth' service is there to help you identify an unknown plant. Simply click on the 'What in Earth' sign on the left hand side of the page, follow the directions and we can email back to you the details of your plant. We can also help with any pest and disease problems that you may have.
- How do I pay for my landscape design?This can be done using PayPal, which allows you to use your PayPal account or your credit card. You can also make payment via internet banking, the necessary details will be emailed to you.